Sol Invictus - the imperial sun cult / Note that the following notes do not pretend to be a work of scholarship, but are purely an amateur compilation. Corrections and additions are most welcome. The amount of hearsay about Sol Invictus online is a nuisance to everyone.
Mithraism resembled Christianity in its monotheistic tendencies, its sacraments, its comparatively high morality, its doctrine of an Intercessor and Redeemer, and its vivid belief in a future life and judgment to come. Moreover Sunday was its holy-day dedicated to the Sun.
"Doch wer wird zu dir (Gilgamesch) nun die Götter versammeln,
Damit du das Leben auch findest, nach welchem du strebst?"
Die babylonische Götterwelt im Gilgamesch-Epos
Auf sumerisch heisst der Sonnengott UTU, auf assyrisch-babylonisch Schamasch.
The Greeks called him Hermes Trismegistos: Hermes the Triple Great, or Thrice Great, because he was the inventor of writing, with all that that implies; he was the Neter of speech, and of all intellectual arts, including occult sciences such as astrology and sacred geometry.
In coming decades, solar energy is going to become the dominant energy source on the global market.
Schon im alten Ägypten wurde in der Nacht vom 5. zum 6. Januar die Geburt des Sonnengottes Aton aus der Jungfrau Kore gefeiert. Grundsätzlich bedeutete die Epiphanie nichts anderes als der adventus, die Ankunft des römischen Herrschers und „seinen glückverheißenden Einzug in eine Stadt“