About Me

Friday, December 28, 2007

Sonne! Gott!

Sol Invictus - the imperial sun cult / Note that the following notes do not pretend to be a work of scholarship, but are purely an amateur compilation. Corrections and additions are most welcome. The amount of hearsay about Sol Invictus online is a nuisance to everyone.

Mithraism resembled Christianity in its monotheistic tendencies, its sacraments, its comparatively high morality, its doctrine of an Intercessor and Redeemer, and its vivid belief in a future life and judgment to come. Moreover Sunday was its holy-day dedicated to the Sun.

Heliopolis While no land is holier than any other, there appears to be nevertheless one place on Planet Earth that qualifies as having been the religious and intellectual birth-place of Western Civilization. This place in ancient history was the city of Junu, in Egypt, dedicated to the Sun deity and named “Heliopolis” by the Greeks.

Die Sonnenscheibe Aton

"Doch wer wird zu dir (Gilgamesch) nun die Götter versammeln,
Damit du das Leben auch findest, nach welchem du strebst?"
Die babylonische Götterwelt im Gilgamesch-Epos
Auf sumerisch heisst der Sonnengott UTU, auf assyrisch-babylonisch Schamasch.

The Greeks called him Hermes Trismegistos: Hermes the Triple Great, or Thrice Great, because he was the inventor of writing, with all that that implies; he was the Neter of speech, and of all intellectual arts, including occult sciences such as astrology and sacred geometry.

In coming decades, solar energy is going to become the dominant energy source on the global market.

Schon im alten Ägypten wurde in der Nacht vom 5. zum 6. Januar die Geburt des Sonnengottes Aton aus der Jungfrau Kore gefeiert. Grundsätzlich bedeutete die Epiphanie nichts anderes als der adventus, die Ankunft des römischen Herrschers und „seinen glückverheißenden Einzug in eine Stadt“

Friday, December 21, 2007

Schreib das auf!

"Mit seiner Arbeit in der Zwischenkriegszeit und später auch im Exil war Kisch vom deutschen Sprachraum ausgehend in der ganzen Welt ein Multiplikator und Vernetzer der linksbürgerlichen Intelligenz. Seine vielfältigen literarischen und politischen Aktivitäten lassen sich nur durch das Streben erklären, Gegensätze zu vereinen" (Dr. Alfred Stalzer in hagalil)

Egon Erwin Kisch, der rasende Reporter, der Weltbürger ( „Weißt Du, mir kann eigentlich nichts passieren. Ich bin ein Deutscher. Ich bin ein Tscheche. Ich bin ein Jud. Ich bin aus gutem Hause. Ich bin Kommunist. Ich bin Corpsbursch. Etwas davon hilft mir immer.“ aus:wiki)

"Der Reporter hat keine Tendenz, hat nichts zu recht-
fertigen und hat keinen Standpunkt. Er hat unbefangen Zeuge zu sein und hat unbefangene Zeugenschaft zu liefern, so verlässlich, wie sich eine Aussage geben lässt.“

(Egon Erwin Kisch, Schöpfer und Meister der literarischen Reportage. aus : exil-archiv. Der rasende Reporter wird zum Synonym für Egon Erwin Kisch, der seinen neuen Reportagestil inhaltlich und formal kontinuierlich weiterentwickelt: von seiner noch 1920 formulierten Definition der Reportage als neutrale Tatsachenberichterstattung rückt er ab und stellt die Parteilichkeit der Reportage (als revolutionäres Kampfmittel) in den Vordergrund, indem er zunehmend Ausbeutungsverhältnisse und Entfremdungsprozesse in der modernen Gesellschaft thematisiert.)/DHM-Bild

"Und nichts Sensationelleres gibt es in der Welt als die Zeit, in der man lebt!" - Der rasende Reporter.

"Doch liegt in dieser Mischung von Themen und Stilen, in der Übertretung journalistischer Konventionen, eben der Reiz dieser Sammlung, deren "blitzlichtartige Momentaufnahmen" sich schließlich doch fast unbemerkt zu einem einheitlichen Bild von Land und Leuten zusammenfügen." (Ines Theilen in Uni Potsdam Literaturgruppe)

( Bild von G.Gründler/lesenswert!)

Klassischer Journalismus‹, Hrsg. Egon Erwin Kisch

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Save Phallism

..SRL Logo ... .spamradio logo..NNDB ..cDc NSF .. Download PGPcrest.gif (74100 bytes) .. ....gilc logo..Overview..THE TEXTFILES DIRECTORY....Dark Side of the Net..

BT Counterpane - Managed Security Services
AES Banner..Electronic Frontier Foundation..

Newspeak, "He who controls the past, controls the future"

My Photo There's no reason or excuse for committing thoughtcrime

"The whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought."

Monopolizing the flow of information

"Doublethink" is the mental activity of simultaneously knowing and not knowing, denoting an ability to be conscious of the truth while telling lies, so that one could hold two contradictory views at once and manipulate language to meet the exigencies of the moment
Big Brother is Watching You

"Who controls truth, controls the future: who controls the present controls the past"

The purpose of Newspeak is to drastically reduce the number of words in the English language.
Successful Newspeak meant that there would be fewer and fewer words -- dictionaries would get thinner and thinner.
The whole climate of thought will be different. In fact there will be no thought, as we understand it now. Orthodoxy means not thinking—not needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconsciousness.

The concept of Newspeak means to simplify a language to its barest, most essential parts. Firstly, this implies the elimination of all opposites. For example, instead of "bad" and "good", Newspeak would choose one of the words and adapt a series of suffixes and prefixes to it to diversify its meaning. "Bad" would thus become "ungood", "very bad" becomes "plusungood", and "extremely bad" becomes "doubleplusungood", and so on. This process of elimination dehumanizes and discounts the emotion behind complex constructions of words.

The purpose of Newspeak is not simply to eliminate words that express "dangerous" ideas, but to so cleanse the language of nuance and abstraction that it not longer can be used to express ideas of any kind.


In the same way, the associations called up by a word like Minitrue are fewer and more controllable than those called up by Ministry of Truth.
caduceus: winged staff carried by hermes, protector of merchants and thieves
In Newspeak, the most important manner of mind control comes from "doublethink." This word implies, in our world, the term double-talk. Through a manipulation of words, the Party created slogans that contradict themselves. These contradictions caused the people to feel inadequate, because a lack of understanding existed. One of the main slogans, "ignorance is strength" exploited this idea perfectly. Initially one sees the contradiction to the common phrase "knowledge is power." Through "doublethink," the terms commonly held as true suddenly mean nothing. In confusing the populace, much as fast-talkers confuse their listeners through double-talk, the Party hoped to make the individual feel unintelligent.
a facsimile from Orwell's actual manuscript

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Scott Soriano / PunkRockGuru with the Zap Gun

Exclusively for Borderline Magazine SFNP we´re in for a Borderline-Interview on Scott Sariano, a scrumptious scripe of Zap Gun / NeoWave and PaleoWave

Plexus : " Give us a lil´Gibble/Gabble to describe yourself..."

Scott Soriano : "I write, I eat, I read, I have no impulse control when I walk into a record store. I also sell books. I am a five dimensional man."

Plex : " You like it raw? What fascinates you with crud crud ?"

S/S : " One of the pleasures of digging for records is coming up with gems that defy easy explanation. Some things to ponder while listening to this strange but wonderful song."

Plex : "I know what you mean. Something I have listening to the sound of the clock ticking,
Violent and twisted nightmare-scapes"

S~S : "
There's Always a Way Out. Art, he's the main guy who runs the punk band. Kicked out after 2 months for other members were in a new wave bands called brave new world."

Plex : " As a punk guru, how would you like me just grabbing your image to post it here flyerstyle ? .....

S\S : "I do know that Americans will feast on these images. The images are our information. We live in a largely illiterate society, a society that can read but chooses not to. When it does read, for the most part, what is consumed is shallow. Often what is read is merely captions that accompany images. The words are there to sell a picture. Now, I wait for the next image. What image will we be treated to next? Another breast? Or another dead body? Humiliation or defeat?
We value the image more than the word. We truly believe that a picture is a thousand words, never realizing that those thousand words are single syllable exclamations. Ignorant, we think of the images as knowledge.
Today's image is of a head being held into a camera. It is the image that will determine what image comes next. The image demands a response. It does not counsel contemplation or reflection. Immediacy or introspection? It is well past time to step back from the images and start to think."

plex : " Our scope and emphasis is international. Art reflects particular communities but is a language spoken by all. Our Flux brings together artists who differ in their distinct
geographical and cultural temperaments, ensuring a constant flux of new ideas and an ever increasing
range of participating artists who benefit from the development :
the act of making art on site at the moment."


We thank Scott a lot for guest and commentary
We thank Tom Kummer for borderline, the art of making things up, Recycle!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Uranium getting scarce

Nukes getting recycled

Sunday, December 16, 2007

International Art/I/Fical Blog Memex

"Human development is about people, about expanding their choices to lead lives they value. Fundamental to enlarging human choices is building human capabilities: the range of things people can do or be." Piyush Gupta, Delhi, India

"Every time I try to write I realize that it needs some more introspection."

::::::Norwegian Video Platform : bubblare.no::::::::::::::

"The Phlogging will continue, until morale improves." ----- The Nervous Breakdown/ Multiple Influx

"This blog features announcements about art by Gregory Scheckler, as well as discussions about art, science, skepticism and anything else that seems appropriate or inappropriate."

excellent writing:::::::"JETSAM–[noun]: goods cast overboard deliberately, as to lighten a vessel or improve its stability" ::::::::: cerebral jetsam, unread books meme

"The Competitive Enterprise Institute is a non-profit public policy organization dedicated to advancing the principles of free enterprise and limited government. We believe that individuals are best helped not by government intervention, but by making their own choices in a free marketplace."

"This is, and will continue to be, an evolutionary process. Much like the Web itself.
I believe that we are at the end of the primary stage, and at the beginning
of a new era in user (and developer!) experience." " loadaverageZero is dedicated to the latest standards in Web accessibility, design and programming
using client-server, open-source technology."


Friday, December 14, 2007


dear diary, I wonder if fluxus is using this blog swap to take control over the whole nexus, he is hyperactive at this times and stuff is coming out in fluxative ways

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Spirit Talk

I am standing with both feet in my own time and soil and society. Trying to learn things that were forgotten and forbidden for a long time. Then some people come and call me names. Or they call what I do names. I think you know the situation.

Thoughts on "neo shamanism",
"core shamanism", "urban shamanism" and other labels

By Annette Høst ©

Friday, November 30, 2007

log 11-29-2007 A.D.

Artifical Intelligence Research Project
Netzwerk Regenbogen ökologisch sozial basisdemokratisch gewaltfrei
Mongabay wild lands and wildlife
Devadasi System Hinduism
White Chapel Freak Angel Warren Ellis
Cyberpunk Community Netzwerk
More Intelligent Life Magazine
Nicht lustig lustig
Paranoia Magazine
Adult Swim. You like porno?
Atypyk Design
Cyberdyne Robot Suit Hal

Sunday, November 25, 2007

logbook, 11/25-2007

Mistress Dominiques Blog - Weblog einer Herrin
Brainmoshing - Anarcho Weblog
DHM - Deutsches Historisches Museum
Alarmschrei - netiquette blog
Zwischenspeicher - wikilog
Little People - Little handpainted people left in London to fend for themselves
Nerdcore - Blog about very cool stuff
Dings Prozessor - Dings blog about alles mögliche
ungesagt - stories not written
blogschrott - jung und respektlos und ambitioniert
linkorgy - seo
alext - privates blog von sajonara mit schwerpunkt literatur
Yoda´s blog - jedimeister
Upload - Magazin für digitales Publizieren
Gefangen in der Blogosphäre - Textadventuresubblog
xkcd - the blag of the webcomic
Nanopub - die blogbar fürs nanopublishen
Misantroph - subjeftiv und froh
beetleblog - toon blog

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Lex Spock::::::::leckse.net::::::::


spassfabrik: netzerhumor, emobashing und videoschnitzel, täglich
kleines linux dorf: kluge zusammenstellung von dokumentationen , teutschsprachig
tokyo soda water: doku in produktion die 8 junge menschen im tokyo von heute beachtet
lanu: Einsichten aus der Welt der Professionalisierten, fundiert,charmant und keck
openpr: Plattform zur Selbstdarstellung. Euphemismus galore
spindoktor: PRopaganda Watch und Analyse, therapeutischer DysphemismusEinsatz
fabidoo: 3D-Drucker, auf dem Weg zum nano-fax
trendhure: Nr.1 der D-Volxabstimmung..Bigger than Basic..Videohumor, nicht auf niwo angelegt
mynsfw: youporn-vid recycling, chartmäßig auch ein renner,, new sex fideo watch?
youpornz: auch so watt, allerdings haben die ne embed funktion und eine bessere sortierung
ultimatefemales: jeden Tag Foto einer Frau, fast nur Hochglanz, ab und an Hübsche
nachrichten heute: sehr erfreulich, das die relativ hoch in den countercharts stehen
belauscht: feine Sache. Gesprächsfetzen aus Deutschland
joblog: ansehen,ansehen....ach---morgen
kewil: einer der unzähligen blogs zur islamistenangst,, i don t need no blind believe...
fabsen: erfolgreiches seo zu studienzwecken
Blog Frog: click optimierung durch userbild
trackback: radioshow von spreeblick

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Egoload - Verträumter Idealist